Fee Schedule
Admission to Pruyn House Cultural Center - Free, Tours by appointment please.
Summer Concerts - $5 per person. Children 12 and under free.
For further information please view,Frequently_Asked_Questions1.docx
Pruyn House rental - $600 Town Resident, $750 Non-resident. $140 Staffing Fee
Verdoy School rental - $250 Town Resident, $300 Non-resident. $140 Staffing Fee
Tours of the Pruyn House are free - please make an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
House Rental Fees
In 2025 the fee to rent the Pruyn House is $600 for a Town of Colonie resident, $750 for a non-resident
There is an additional fee of $140 payable to the Town of Colonie which covers a program aide who opens and closes the site as well as serves as a liaison between the wedding couple and the caterer. The Town of Colonie requires proof of homeowner's, renter's or condo insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000. If this coverage is not met, there could be an additional fee to purchase a rider for the day of your event. Prices vary depending on your insurance carrier. You will also need to provide caterer and DJ insurance.
Do I have to use a specific caterer?
No, you are free to choose any caterer you wish although we are happy to provide you with suggestions of caterers who have worked well here in the past. Your caterer must also provide proof of insurance.
What is the application process like?
Once the decision is made to have your event here, the staff at Pruyn House will fill out an application and mail it to the applicant. Upon review and acceptance, the applicant mails back a signed copy with the deposit of $150/$187.50. It is helpful but not necessary to include insurance documentation at this time. When the application is received, it is forwarded to the town attorney who reviews it and then grants permission for site usage.
Call the Office for additional information: (518) 783-1435